Sunday 22 April 2012

ceritera semester 2 ;)


semester 2 was all about family , friendship , and also love ;)

"life with intention , walk to the edge"

B A T C H 2 1 J E N G K I N G J O H O R

we are young 
we are strong
no matter what we face , we'll face it together 
friendship makes us stronger and stand strong until now
no one will ever understand us
even though sometimes we used to fight
but we still stick together
solve problems in our own way
however we still need to know each other for a better future ;)

best friend forever :)

kecik ;)(pika micro)

siti maizatus safiqah johari

 the one who always be there for me most of the time
we hang out together, eat together , almost everything we did together .
dia laa satu satu nye yg rajin melayan kepala gila aku ni haa . hehe

things you should know about her :
she's cute
known as kecik or pika(i used to call her kecik)
komander kesatria kembara
the smallest and strongest komander ;)
strong lady
DL student for the first semester
love to laugh
she love purple so much
most of her things are purple even her blog is purple haha
full with patience 
soft-hearted person
crazy a bit

hope that we will stick together as a best friend until jannah insya-Allah
mummy sayang kecik ;) 

mohamad farhan bin maskon
my everything ;)

first time kenal dia , rasa annoying gila ! sakit je hati kita ni dibuatnya . haha . kitorang ni mcm anjing dgn kucing . bergaduh 24 jam . hehe . tapi betul laa kata org tak kenal maka tak cinta . cewaahh ! HAHA . 
makin lama kenal dia , makin tertarik dengan perangai dia . he's totally different from other guys out there . TOTALLY ! trust me . huu org tertentu je yg boleh tahan dengan perangai dia ni . haha . dah lama lama kenal baru tahu dia jenis yg macam mana sebenarnya . kami rapat . kemana mana mesti bersama . boleh dikatakan BFF lahh . hehe tak pernah terfikir pun untuk jatuh hati ngan dia , tak pernah terfikir pun akan sayang dia . but now , i really fall for him . :)

from a BFF becomes a lover ;)

about us :
pink lover !
both komander
both cs student
same part
love photography
can be describe as weird and crazy couple :p
we love each other in our own way
couple yg ganas ? mungken kod =='
gaduh gaduh sayang tu hobi kami
menganjing itu kegemaran kami
bertumbuk bertampar itu exercise buat kami :DD
still in a process to understand and know each other
accept other's weakness and strength 

i love him . i really do . 
and i hope that our relationship will last forever .
he completes me in every single way 
we're the perfect two

p/s : life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets . so love the people who treat you right , forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason . if you get a chance ; take it . if it changes your life ; let it . nobody said that it would be easy , they just promised it would be worth it .

lots of love,